We all dream of owning a successful company, calling the shots and pocketing a nice paycheck every other week. Oh, there are plenty of dreams out there but how many of us actually take that first step toward financial independence and a quality of life that depends, not on the folks upstairs in the big offices, but on your own hard efforts. When you own the business, financial independence depends on you.

Thats why most people back away from business ownership. Fear of failure. Fear of looking foolish. Fear of what your family and friends will think if your new business doesnt soar like the American bald eagle - the American dream.

Ive had the satisfaction of starting start several businesses in my career, some more successful than others. However, even my "less than stellar" attempts at entrepreneurialship have taught me valuable lessons - lessons you can take with you to the kitchen table and start drawing up plans for your business.

So learn from someone whos enjoyed success and learned from missteps when it comes to starting your own business. For me, and millions like me, business ownership is the only way to go.

1. Consider your assets.

  • It takes money to start a new business but it doesnt take a lot of money to start all new businesses. An office cleaning service can get up and running on a couple of thousand dollars. A car detailing business would cost you even less.
  • But dont just consider cash on hand. Consider your personal and professional assets. Are you a people person? Consider sales. Are you a bean counter? How about opening a tax prep service?
  • Youve also got other assets. Your own tools, a car or truck, a computer - make a list of all of the cash and other assets on hand. This is the starting point for deciding on the right business for you.
  • It can cost up to $2 million to buy a McDonalds franchise, so if you dont have $2 mil tucked under the mattress, look for less costly ways to become part of the world of commerce.

2. Do something you enjoy because youll be doing it a lot.

  • It doesnt make much sense to open a landscaping business if you hate mowing the lawn - even if your business does provide financial independence. So, what are you good at? The simple fact is we all enjoy doing things were good at so think about the things you enjoy doing in your spare time. In that mix, theres a business for you - one in which you work 70 hours a week and love it - because its yours!

3. Dont borrow money.

  • Okay, maybe you can borrow a few thousand from a friend or family member but dont start maxxing out your credit cards to get your business up and running. Its hard enough to launch a start-up without a heavy debt load the day you open shop.